Welcome Drew

With great pleasure we got the opportunity to meet the newest of the Woodbury clan last month. He had fun getting his picture taken and playing with his big sister Mia (well at least Mia had fun). :) Welcome Drew!

Special Delivery

We welcomed our daughter, Simone Elise, last Thursday, June 11th, 2009, at 1:26pm. She came into the world a perfect 8 lbs 4 oz, 20 3/4 inches, and with a full head of hair! We cannot express the joy we are experiencing right now. Our hearts have opened to a place we...


A couple of images from Ramona’s first official photo session at eight days old. We are so happy for the Bradfields, and look forward to watching their beautiful family grow.

Welcome Ramona

I couldn’t resist posting just a few pics of baby Ramona, the newest addition to the Bradfield family. A few weeks ago I posted their maternity pics. Here are just a few from the hospital, but we’ve got many more to show from her first official photoshoot...