Around these parts

Moved twice in 5 months, new site, new brand, new focus. Things have changed almost as fast as our daughter is– we can barely keep up. Thought we’d just touch base & let you know we’ve got a lot of work to post and are working on getting that...


I wanted to share an image that is dear to me. Brandon took a portrait of Simone, myself, my mother and grandmother on Easter of this year – a 4 generation portrait. After recently losing my grandmother after a long illness, this portrait remains, and was so...

around these parts

after a number of  recent changes for the Parigos, the dust is finally settling. number one, we have  relocated to the KC area– this means we will be more available starting.. now! number two, we’ve been busy working on various projects: all kinds of...

snowed in

Already slacking on my new years resolution– blog more! I will try harder. We’ve been snowed in for days.. starting to get a little dizzy from all the white.  I wanted to share a few from the holidays at Chez Parigo (warning: Simone overload ahead). Next...