Wonderful time at the wedding of Corinne and Erin at the Kansas City International Airport Mariott. I can’t share enough how much I love an expressive couple. Thanks for the chance to witness such love and laughter.

Erin writing Corinne a wedding-day letter to go with her wedding gift (a surprise!)-

Corinne reviewing her vows

Corinne’s bridesmaid made a personalized card from the photo of her trying on her wedding dress-

Corinne’s son Charlie gets gussied up with help from Erin

Figuring out that hair-goop stuff

Great moment with Corinne & Erin’s moms (and the soon to be delivery of said wedding gift from Erin)

I love the moment here– sort of makes me think of the donning of the wedding attire as a re-birth, in a way.

This is the look that happens after you -almost- drop the groom’s wedding ring down the elevator shaft!

Opening of said wedding-day letter, amidst tears & laughter. so much love–

Sharing the sand pouring, into their new family.

Corinne is a lover of laughs,.. she brought these “pick your nose” cups for everyone’s toasts. They were a hit.

You know it’s going to be a rocking party when a bridesmaid changes into street clothing so she can breakdance!