Introducing Short & Sweet sessions

Introducing Short & Sweet sessions

One thing we have not focused much on in our 8 years of business here are in-studio portraits. Recently we had the pleasure of photographing a beloved family of ours in the studio and realized how much we enjoyed focusing on the expressions of our clients. Although we...

Our Cinema = Wirken Films

Some of you may have seen the tab at the top of our blog for awhile now.. but we wanted to formally announce our big news. Our cinema side has officially become one with the amazing group of photographers at Wirken Photography to create their multimedia division:...

coming soon

I know we’ve been a little quiet around these parts lately, we’ve got alot of things going on in different directions. For now, a few pics of our new space in Westport– more to come soon complete with a date for a housewarming event. Also, a pic of...